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The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta

The Government of Alberta uses self-governance to regulate the engineering and geoscience professions. This means that professional engineers and geoscientists, instead of a government organization, regulate the professions. It is through the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act (EGP Act) that the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) was created. APEGA is the regulator that makes sure engineering and geoscience professionals in Alberta carry out their work according to the requirements in the Act.

American Foundry Society

The mission of the American Foundry Society is to advance the success of its members and the metalcasting industry through advocacy, education, and innovation.

Red Deer Construction Association

The Red Deer Construction Association exists to serve its’ members; by displaying plans and information on current projects in the industry; by acting as their collective voice on issues of concern; and by promoting standards, education, and communication in an effort to benefit the industry and society.

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